As we have spent many years working in the high pressured production environment we understand what it’s like with the stress and the pressures as everyone wants more for less. We have designed a one or two day workshop specifically for the creative, entertainment and media industries – Communication for the Creative Industries.
The training draws on our own experience of working both behind and in front of the camera in film and TV and use the empowering and highly effective cutting edge techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Business Skills and Coaching. The workshops will be lively and interactive, giving plenty of time to experience the techniques learned in the comfortable environment of the training room.
The content will differ slightly depending on whether you chose the 1 or 2 day training and will include some or all of the following:
- Transforming your communication – verbal and non-verbal – by understanding your own communication style and that of others.
- Creating and maintaining your professional (and personal) relationships by building rapport.
- Understanding the importance of knowing what you want to achieve so you can set realistic outcomes and goals which you can achieve.
- Gaining insight into other people’s points of view so you can be a stronger manager or team player.
- Knowing what is really important to you in your work/career/job to help you know why you do what you do and where you want to be in your career.
- Simple techniques for presentations so you can deliver pitches and presentations with confidence and focus.
- Handling difficult situations and conversations with confidence.
- Negotiating the best outcome or deal.
- Effective marketing, sales and networking to present and ‘sell’ yourself confidently.
- Managing your time and workload including saying ‘no’ and managing interruptions.
- Looking after yourself and your team. Managing stress and finding life/work balance.
- Understanding the ‘front person’ of your show – the actor, presenter, expert or contributor.
Both the 1 day or 2 day Communication for the Creative Industries workshops include the opportunity for the delegates to gain skills practice by working with professional actors to try out real life situations through the use of role play and forum theatre.
Please EMAIL ME for information.