Do you dread dealing with difficult situations and conversations? Do you put them off or try to avoid them entirely? Most of us will find ourselves dealing with a difficult situation or person at some point in our life and work and most of us will try to put them off as long as possible! These situations may arise with a colleague, a boss, and employee, a customer or client or with a friend or relative.
The reality is that avoiding or delaying dealing with difficult situations or having a difficult conversation can cause stress and lead to lack of focus and poor results.
Would you like to feel more confident and be more prepared when these situations arise?
Dealing with Difficult Situations will cover:
- Understanding your own communication style and that of others
- Using your senses to hear what is really being said
- How to get onto someone else’s wavelength and build rapport
- Managing how you feel before you deal with something difficult
- Seeing things from all points of view
- The importance of preparation (where possible)
- Knowing what you want to achieve in a these situations
- Models for difficult conversations
This workshop is hands on with teaching segments and exercises so you can try out the techniques to give you a better understanding of them in practice. It will also include working with professional actors in forum theatre and role play, so delegates can try out real life situations and learn from different ways of doing things in the safe environment of the training room. Its content will be tailored to your specific needs and includes face to face situations and those which may occur on the phone.
Please contact us for more information or to discuss your needs.